Obedience training and trials help dogs learn to behave well at home and in public
AKC Rally® shows off your dog's training by mastering a course full of fun exercises
Agility demonstrates teamwork through a timed obstacle course of jumps, tunnels, and weave poles
Click here for a list of training facilities personally recommended by our members. Please join us for some local camaraderie and team-building with your pet!
Click here for health-screening clinics and local veterinarians that perform health-screening.
Adult Havanese should be screened for hearing, cataracts, hip dysplasia and patella luxation prior to breeding. Other screening tests important to Havanese health are available as well.
Click here for links to our most frequently used All-breed and Specialty show superintendents.
Here you will find a calendar with our club meeting dates and dog-related events in our local Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee communities. You will also find a link to the AKC Events webpage which provides a calendar of all AKC Competition and Events.
“Conformation” is the official name for “dog shows.” While they may seem glamorous, the true purpose of conformation showing is to evaluate breeding stock. The dog’s conformation—his overall appearance and structure—is an indication of the dog’s ability to produce quality purebred puppies, and that is what is being judged in the ring.